Dr. Cornelius Nuworsoo
Professor of Transportation Planning at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Dr. Cornelius Nuworsoo, Professor of Transportation Planning at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, earned a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering at U.C. Berkeley in 2004. He has an academic background and experience in transportation planning, traffic engineering, and land use planning. He is currently the graduate program coordinator for a joint degree program in his institution – Master of City and Regional Planning and Master of Science in Engineering (with Transportation Planning Specialization). Dr. Nuworsoo teaches courses and conducts research in the areas of: transportation planning; community plan preparation, including extensive public outreach; applications of demographic information in planning; transportation safety and impact analyses; housing need determination; and multi-modal accessibility, emphasizing network connectivity and station area treatments to facilitate connections among walkers, bikers, transit riders, auto drivers, and intercity train riders. Prior to Cal Poly, Dr. Nuworsoo was a researcher with the University of California Transportation Center at U.C. Berkeley. His research interests include emergency evacuation, multimodal connections, and traffic safety. He has led the preparation of program-level environmental impact studies on a comprehensive collection of areas of potential impacts of proposed developments. Most recently, he was the lead person in the development of a Subdivision Access Tool to help personnel of the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection in assessing time to evacuate or respond to wild fires in single-access subdivisions. Dr. Nuworsoo has authored or co-authored several book chapters, research project reports, and scientific articles. He is a certified member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.